02 June 2008

just a little daunting...

Seeing how quickly some have completed not just one, but whole pairs of socks - and some cases even 2 pair-  is scaring me a tad.  But I joined this challenge so that I could work on knitting more quickly and efficiently;  I guess if I just plod along at the pace of 1 pair a week (some weeks 2 if child/baby sized), I should do OK. 

 I'm about 1/3 done with sock 1, should have 2/3 done this eve, the rest tomorrow sometime.  I'm trying to break each down sock into components (1/3's so far but this could change) so I don't get overwhelmed.  One sock in 3 days, not bad.  There I go again, counting socks before they're done.  

Have fun everyone! Seeing what has been completed is truly inspiring! 


Kim said...

I too am feeling the pressure but it's nice to have as it will keep me going.

eKNITabeth said...

It's not a race...
I usually knit a sock in 2.5 to 3evenings...
so, no biggie!

rjsams said...

I felt the same way, but keep in mind that it's a long slog--1 whole year of socks! People who start fast may have more time now but less time later. Or they may be working thru WIPs and UFOs. At least, that's what I keep telling myself...